Jaycees Community Involvement

From Public Fund Raising Events like Venetian Festival in the fall to a new gym floor at the YMCA, everything the Jaycee’s make goes right back into the community. A fine example of the community giving that the Jaycees are part of can be seen here in the new Jaycees Gym at the YMCA in downtown Lake Genveva.
With several fund raising events throughout the years, as well as generous donations and help from our loyal members past and present, the Lake Geneva Jaycees continues to be a source of giving in our area. Our members work hard throughout the year giving their valuable time and efforts in order to better our

From benches at Library park, to restoring statues at Flat Iron Park, the list of support, donations and charitable giving of the Lake Geneva Jaycees is a long standing tradition in the Geneva Lake Area.
Our commitment to our community and those around us is something we take very seriously.
If you like a challenge and want to better your community while learning valuable leadership skills, we would love to have you as a member. Our members come from all walks of life. The friendships and learning lasts a life time.
If are interested in bettering yourself and your community, become a Jaycee Visit our Membership Page here
See other Community Giving and Donations by your Lake Geneva Jaycees
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